“ ... this music deserves a place of honour amongst the most extraordinary rock records ...”Tiroler Tageszeitung
... extravagant pop music ... stylistically between indie, folk, chanson and periphery.Mario Lang
... a special literary rock experience. Very worthy of being performed in the Vienna Konzerthaus or the Radiokulturhaus.Luis Stabauer
Evelyn Blumenau and her fellow musicians prove once again that they have a feeling for the musically special, for the sound that entertains as well as challenges in the most beautiful way.Michael Ternai
In any case, "Wunderschönes Tier" does well in the already more than respectable Novi Sad catalogue of works. On a fairly balanced palette of styles, on which elements of chanson, pop - sometimes at a brisker pace - and indie folk with the characteristically accentuated accordion shine out, the borderline walk between surrealism, a touch of madness, existential insecurity, dissatisfaction and admonishing inklings of lost feelings about life and death are practised.Bruno Jaschke