About Novi Sad

A benchmark in Austria (music information center Austria)
What others say about us:... One of the best kept secrets in quality pop music ... (ORF-Austrian Broadcast)
... Novi Sad builds bridges between East and West, between the known and the unknown, between art and commerce: Great! ... (SKUG)
... top-rated albums ... (music austria)
... an indie-folk masterpiece with soul and jazz touches ... (concerto)
... Great lyrics! Literary alert! ... (Kurier)
... this is songwriting at its best: exquisite lyrics, as you normally don't expect from Austria in the field of pop music ... (jazzzeit)
... Openness, joy of experimentation and the courage to change have always been the strengths of this Viennese band. ... (music information center Austira)
If you want to learn more, click here on the WIKIPEDIA entry.
It started with the fact that we couldn't play any instruments, so we drew lots to see who would play what. The guitar was raffled to Paris1914 and it took 3 years for the first 3 chords. The bass went to Robert "wurli" Worel. He was faster. The drums were raffled to Manfred "Moonday" Scharf. He became a great jungle drummer. Our first concert was unintentional punkrock. But that was all in the pre-life, before we became Novi Sad. Things got serious only when Evelyn Blumenau joined the band and gave the project a face and a voice. Then in 1989 we had our first concert as Novi Sad at the Chelsea. In 1990 we released our first album. Then it went beat by beat: concerts at home and abroad, interdisciplinary art projects in film, literature and performance, more critically acclaimed music albums appeared. In 2002, Stephan Lanner finally took over on drums and Moonday switched to accordion. Since then the band has been supported by guest musicians from time to time. Jo Resch is contributing the keyboards since 2016. Due to a chronical disease of Evelyn, Lilian Grof took over the vocals in 2020. Novi Sad is a pioneer of independent Austrian rock music, always cross-over, older than dirt, but transformable, tough and long-lasting. Open your ears!